Professional Development for Your Frontline Teams

All of us are in unchartered waters in today’s business environment. Keeping staff engaged and focused on delivering the right customer experience during this unusual time and beyond is a top priority. Based on feedback from our clients, Pivot has created our industry’s only 6-week self-paced course to accomplish just that. Join us for this webinar where we will outline and discuss the format for this important 6-week course.

The webinar will describe how individual instruction for the following course topics will be offered:

  • Strengthening your active listening skills
  • Using empathy to deepen your connection with customers
  • Understanding changing consumer expectations in uncertain times
  • Dealing with difficult customers
  • Selling without sounding like it
  • Retaining customers on upgraded packages after the immediate need passes
  • Bonus content: Sharpening your core writing skills

Don't miss this important opportunity. Register today by filling out the form.